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Webinar: UBC TALKS about water as a resource in a climate-resilient city

The UBC TALKS webinar on 25 May 2021 at 9.30–11.00 CET will focus on cities' resilience in relation to the water management. Ensuring that the city is adapted to the climate change consequences is crucial, and it's also important to ensure the efficiency of the water sector in the city.

"Water has taken centre stage in adaptation – let's capitalise on it for driving urban sustainability,"
— Barbara Anton, ICLEI European Secretariat

Our speakers from ICLEI, Finland, Estonia and the Netherlands will approach the subject from both regional and local perspectives, bringing the visions for urban resilience, solution examples from around the Baltic Sea and inspiration beyond, as well as practical tools developed in transnational projects.

"Both passive and active climate change mitigation and adaption measures are needed to reduce the flooding risks and increase the overall resilience of the urban areas,"
— Ivar Annus, Tallinn University of Technology


All times are in CET. Detailed agenda available in PDF.

09.30–09.40 Welcome to the webinar

09.40–10.00 Managing water sustainably to strengthen urban resilience, Barbara Anton, ICLEI

10.00–10.15 Promoting more green and blue spaces in urban areas, Floris Boogaard, Hanze University of Applied Sciences

10.15–10.30 Natural flood risk management solutions in the Baltic Sea region, Pekka Parkkila, Southwest Finland Centre for Economic Development

10.30–10.45 Preparing for extreme weather events – NOAH project results, Ivar Annus, Tallinn University of Technology

10.45–11.00 Q&A and closing words

"Promoting green and blue urban spaces by citizen science based tools results in raising awareness and capacity building. The Climatescan map with 6000 locations of nature-based solutions from over 1000 active users is just one example that puts a big smile on our faces,"
— Floris Boogaard, Hanze University of Applied Sciences

Basic Info


25.05.2021 - 09:30 to 11:00