Facilitation of the regional policy
Strategic cooperation
European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region
Developing regional policy recommendations on nutrient recycling
Project collects information on the most advanced and efficient solutions in the Baltic Sea Region to recycle nutrients from wastewater. Collected information will serve as a background for regional recommendations as a part of the regional nutrient recycling strategy. The recommendations will take into account geographical and economic parameters in different countries of the Baltic Sea Region as well as size and type of settlements where solutions are recommended for application. The recommendations will consider the whole wastewater management process starting from upstream measures to end of pipe solutions and sewage sludge handling practices with the aim to increase availability of valuable components contained by sewage water and sludge for recycling.
Output: Regional palette of solutions to recycle nutrients and other valuable components
Developing recommendations on hazardous substances
Wastewater and sewage sludge often contain various hazardous substances and pathogens hampering utilization of the valuable components contained by wastewater and sludge, particularly, phosphorus as well as makes up negative image of the products based on the recycled components. The project seek solutions, which would serve for advancing of the recycling and at the same time will not lead to release of hazardous substances into the environment. Compilation of data on content of micropollutants of high concern in wastewaters and sludge will be done utilizing outcomes of participating projects. The compilation will create a scientific background for elaboration of regional policy regarding priority micropollutants in wastewater and sludge as well as on emerging pollutants.
Output: Policy briefs on micropollutants in wastewater and sewage sludge
Developing integrated model for Water-Sludge-Energy cooperation
Project aims to consider all necessary factors influencing successful Water-Sludge-Energy cooperation model and suggest the best ways of establishing sustainable circular economy linkages related to wastewater treatment. The work is based on cases collected from the different water projects and supplied by established experts’ network. Holistic approach to utilization of various valuable components in wastewater sector increases feasibility of nutrients recycling and sustainable handling of sewage sludge. Project develops cooperation model among main stakeholders dealing with water, wastewater, energy/electricity/heating, sludge handling, waste utilization, biogas production and public transportation.
Output: Guidelines on integrated model for Water-Sludge-Energy cooperation
Developing policy recommendations for implementing sustainable urban storm water management
Project evaluates and elaborates policy tools, based on the outcomes of the cooperating projects in order to facilitate regional dialog on promotion of sustainable storm water solutions aimed at prevention of pollution of the environment and adaptation to climate change. An evaluation of the success of the integrated storm water management approach is carried out, and BSR WATER reviews potential storm water quality requirements in Baltic Sea Region countries. The work results in a baseline report which will serve environmental authorities regulating storm water quality. Moreover, BSR WATER contributes to the revision of the HELCOM Recommendation 23/5 related to storm water management in order to update it based on the knowledge accumulated in the consortium and participating projects: HELCOM Recommendation 23/5-Rev.1 on reduction of discharges from urban areas by the proper management of storm water systems (PDF).
Output: Regional and national recommendations for integrated storm water management (ISWM)