Output 4.3: Guidelines on integrated model for Water-Sludge-Energy cooperation
The "Guidelines on integrated model for Water-Sludge-Energy cooperation" have been published in September 2021. The document was developed within the framework of the BSR WATER platform by the University of Tartu.
This document outlines possible points of cooperation for the wastewater treatment plants. The points of cooperation are divided between incoming and outgoing points, with the first being about different streams of materials coming into the WWTP and the second about resources or energy that can be produced within the WWTP or even transported out. Each point of cooperation is outlined with a description of the recommendation, potential financial balance of the recommendation and in most case an example of the actions. Incoming points of cooperation also include an overview of different important parameters and potential overall effects to the WWTP, to help the stakeholders in making informed decisions. This document should be used as a guide to identify possible cooperation options for a specific WWTP, consider important factors and parameters and find good examples and potential sources for extra information around the Baltic Sea region.
Publication "Guidelines on integrated model for Water-Sludge-Energy cooperation" (PDF).
In Russian: Публикация "Руководство по интегрированной модели сотрудничества Стоки – Осадок – Энергия" (PDF).
Presentation of the output
Guidelines on integrated model for Water-Sludge-Energy cooperation, by Markus Raudkivi, University of Tartu: