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Output 4.4: Policy recommendations for implementing the integrated stormwater management

23 February, 2021 - 11:48

The publication "Regional and national policy recommendations for implementing the integrated stormwater management in the Baltic Sea Region" developed within the platform project BSR WATER is out! The report is prepared by the project partner Riga City Council, on the basis of surveys and interviews with 25 cities of the Baltic Sea Region and with support from BSR WATER partners.

The publication introduced the recommendations for implementing sustainable and integrated stormwater management in the BSR on the basis of accumulated knowledge and practices of those forerunner BSR cities that have already obtained experience, understanding and practical skills within the field of natural, holistic and sustainable urban stormwater management.

Publication "Regional and national policy recommendations for implementing the integrated stormwater management in the Baltic Sea Region" (PDF).

In Russian: Публикация "Рекомендации по внедрению принципов интегрированного управления ливневыми водами в регионе Балтийского моря" (PDF).

Link to the video (Youtube)

Presentation of the output

Policy recommendations for implementing the integrated stormwater management in the Baltic Sea Region, by Nika Kotoviča, Riga City Council: