Workshop: Pathways to targeted PFAS removal – from policy to technology
The workshop on emerging hazardous substances "Pathways to targeted PFAS removal – from policy to technology" welcomes everyone on 16 February 2021 at 9.00–12.00 CET. The event is co-organized by UBC Sustainable Cities Commission in the framework of the project EMPEREST (En-masse Mapping of PFAS In Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluents for REuse STrategies in the Baltic Sea Region).
The EMPEREST seed money project is focused on the current situation and viable solutions regarding sources and pathways of polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the Baltic Sea region, and the workshop will introduce the important topic of PFAS pollution from both the regulatory and the practical side. The workshop is curated by EMPEREST project partners in cooperation with HELCOM and EUSBSR Policy Area “Hazards” and is aimed at PFAS experts, environmental agencies, water utilities, city representatives and research institutions interested in further development of actions against PFAS pollution in the Baltic Sea Region..
Why are PFAS important?
PFAS is a collective name for over 3000 industrially produced chemicals. They are used in many products such as firefighting and impregnating agents. PFAS substances are hazardous to human health and the environment as many of them are toxic, bio-accumulative and highly persistent in the environment.